It is not easy to understand our feelings – sometimes our fear, anger or joy is so strong and uncontrollable that they suppress their minds, and sometimes so weak and implicit that we do not dare to trust them.

It is not easy to understand our feelings – sometimes our fear, anger or joy is so strong and uncontrollable that they suppress their minds, and sometimes so weak and implicit that we do not dare to trust them. However, the existential psychologist Alfried Langle is convinced that each of us is able to navigate the sea of feelings and manage his emotional state, and as a result to live our life more filled, trusting ourselves and following his true desires. A collection composed of articles and performances of Langle (7 texts of 10) and other European scientists, psychotherapists and experts in existential analysis is the most complete edition of the existential theory of emotions. Among the topics raised-the emergence of emotionality and aggression, the connection of reason and emotions

, the meaning of psychodynamics and coping reaction, the effect of pain on human existence.

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